At the beginning of this school year I would like to take the opportunity to share with all the youth a nugget of wisdom. It’s advice someone dear to me shared with me a while back when I was going to school… and it stayed with me throughout the years. My hope is that you would pay close attention so that you would benefit and be blessed by this wisdom, as well.

True wisdom is not copyrighted by the educated or the old in years. Wisdom can come out of the mouth of the simple and educated, the young and the old. I’m saying this because the person I’m about to quote does not have higher education, but they have “the school of life”. Truth is, certain things can’t be learned from books.

Throughout the school year and especially at the beginning of every school year my father would strongly encourage me to RESPECT MY TEACHERS. “They are human too,” he would say, “and therefore they make mistakes. When that happens, make sure you still respect your teachers and give them a chance to make things right.” Believe it or not, I happened to listen to my dad’s advice. My teachers noticed and as a result, God granted me favor in their eyes.

My dear friends, based on God’s word we must respect every authority He has placed over us. (1 Peter 2:13-14) Your teachers are an authority you must respect and honor. (1 Peter 2:17) This is a very practical way we as children of God can shine in the darkness.

For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. (1 Peter 2:15) Respecting your teachers is GOOD!