“Fun” – the measuring stick for any event or activity. Don’t we find ourselves living and asking questions that communicate this definition? We use the fun factor to promote events, “It will be so much fun!” When we want our peers to know how we feel about something we have been involved in, we use the word “fun” to communicate how successful that event was. Therefore questions such as “Was it fun?” or “Did you have fun?” are used very often in everyday conversation.

Wanting to have fun is alright until we begin to use it as a measuring unit for spiritual activities. Should a Christian avoid participating in a spiritual activity that the Bible clearly commands that he should, simply because that activity may not be perceived as fun? I should say not. A believer should not base his faithfulness and obedience on the fan factor. While many God-honoring activities do allow for fun and enjoyment, we must remember that the Christian life is about becoming more like Christ. This involves discipline and a sober view of our lost world.

And one more thing, let’s weigh the fun we may have against the consequences. The Bible says: “You who are young, make the most of your youth. Relish your youthful vigor. Follow the impulses of your heart. If something looks good to you, pursue it. But know also that not just anything goes; You have to answer to God for every last bit of it.” Ecclesiastes 11:9 (The Message)