If I were sick, at Christmas I would ask for health.

If I were blind, I would wish for sight.

If I was an orphan, I would ask for a loving family.

If my parents were about to divorce, I’d ask for peace and harmony.

If my baby boy was really ill, I’d ask for a miraculous healing.

If at Christmas I was without a job, I would beg for one.

If I was hungry and on the streets in the cold, I would ask for a warm meal and a place to lay my head.

You see if I were blind I would not ask for a TV.

If I were deaf, I would not ask for an iPod or iPhone.

If my daughter had cancer I wold not ask for clothes, but for her healing.

If I was homeless I would not ask for an expensive car.

And since I’m not sick, hungry, and I have a job, I go about life just like a multitude of others asking for things that will simply satisfy my selfishness for a very short time.

The most precious things we could ask for most of us already have. We are blessed with families, homes, food and health. Yet, somehow we tend to take it all for granted.

Let’s make sure we don’t get caught up in the materialism that is associated with Christmas, but rather get preoccupied with the person of Jesus Christ.