Dear mom and dad,

What I am about to share with you has been on my heart for quite some time. I hope you understand what I am about to share with you.

I know you work hard to provide a big house, nice cars and quality clothes for me, but what I want more than anything is time with you. You told me that you want me to have a better life than you have, but in the process I fear I have lost you.

Sometimes I give the impression I want stuff more than anything but that is not true. I need time with you!

My iPhone, the new car you gave me for my birthday or even the cool clothes you give me, lose their charm after a while. They are not the same as when I spend time with you.

I guess I am tired of surrogates. My heart really craves some quality time with my parents. Wish we could eat dinner together more often or play table games and laugh together.

Please forgive me if I ask too much. I know you just want to rest when you come home from work. That is if you don’t have to work on your computer when you are home. (I am jealous because your smartphone and computer have more time with you than I do.) I understand you have a busy schedule, but will you please consider making an appointment with me once a week? I need time with you! I need your love and affection.

PS. Just in case you didn’t know, I care very much of what you think! When I was little you were my heroes. Would you like to be my heroes again?