All the good things that could have been…

All the good things that should have happened…

All the good things that were and are no more…

Here we are, witnessing the end of another year. Many of us will remember this year forever. Some because of the laughter, the joy, and the fulfillment it brought; and others because of the tears, the heartache, and the lost dreams they have experienced.

While some are wondering if they will have another good year like the one that is behind us, others are wondering if they will ever be able to smile and laugh again.

Regardless of which category describes us, we all grasp for HOPE. Can there be any hope at the end – the end of a year, or the end of something else very important to us?

Hope at the end… When all we can do is done, when we feel like all hope is gone, we usually lift our eyes to the heavens and like dry land, look to God to once more fill our hearts with hope, to rain his blessings over us.

It is encouraging to me that Jesus Christ’s birth is celebrated at the end of the year. He is the reason for everything good in our lives, as well as the answer for every struggle. Messiah is the HOPE! Make sure you get acquainted with Him during this season. Open your heart to Jesus’ gift!