It’s not about me! When was the last time you heard these words? When was the last time you spoke these words of self-denial? Our vocabularies tend to be more characterized by terms of  self-promotion, self-preservation, and self-centeredness.

Our culture encourages us to be as self-focused as possible. The advertisement industry is telling us that we need and deserve to have the things they sell. So, we indulge ourselves thinking that maybe this time we may achieve happiness.

If the world is telling us to GET as much stuff as we can, God is calling us to GIVE as much as we can. He is calling us to lose our lives in order to find them. (Matthew 16:25)  More than ever before, we need someone to rescue us from the me-centered life we thought would make us happy.

The God-centered life works. When God is number one in our lives, we start seeing life and people differently. This year during Disciple Now, we want to help teenagers see everything in their lives – friendships, family situations, their bodies, and even their problems – as platforms to bring God glory.

“It’s Not About Me” bible study is much needed for today’s culture. Young people are not the only ones that need to understand that God is the center of the universe. “When God looks at the center of the universe, He doesn’t look at you.” God loves us and desires a relationship with us, but He doesn’t need us. “Our comfort is not God’s priority. If God exists to please us, then shouldn’t we always be pleased?”

This bible study will help students begin to see everything – our pleasures, our problems, our gifts and talents – as being all for the One who created us.

“It’s Not About Me” bible study has 6 sessions and it is perfect for a youth retreat or disciple now weekend. This material can also be used by the young adult ministry.