Over the years I have noticed that when we are stressed or mad we respond one way to those who are not immediate family and we respond totally different to those who are our very close family. Most people tend to show more courtesy to strangers than to their own family. Yet with the people we share life and precious memories, we seem to quickly run out of anything that is remotely polite. How can that be? Why would we be more polite to someone who doesn’t care about us, yet hurt deeply those who love us?

Can you imagine what our families would look like if we showed at least the same courtesy to our family members that we show to our peers? Can you imagine what your family would be like if you would start showing patience and kindness, if you stopped being rude, selfish and angry all the time? Your family would feel safe. They would trust you and hope would be abundant.     1 Cor 13:4-7(NIV)

Students, you are at the beginning of a new school year. As you already know, this brings with it stress. It is very easy to come home after a busy and demanding day and treat your parents and siblings like they are your enemies. Most certainly it will require you to muster energy to show them at least the same courtesy you have shown everyone else during the day. As children of God we have no other option but to love and be polite to our families.