A new me…

Our phones and computers are always telling us that we need to upgrade our software to a new and improved version. Because we are always looking for something new and better, we all eventually go through the necessary steps to upgrade our devices.

How about upgrading our “spiritual software” this year? Interested in a new you? Sure, others will enjoy us more, but I am willing to bet that WE will like us better, too. Such an upgrade will most certainly bring glory and joy to our Father in heaven.

In Prov 23:7, the Bible tells us that we basically ARE what we think in our hearts. And from the heart comes our speech and actions.

A new us starts with the renewing of our minds – Rom 12:2. The mind will be renewed when we give it spiritual things to think about, like meditating on the laws of the Lord day and night. It all starts by setting our minds on the things above; not on the things that are on earth – Col. 3:2.

The ultimate “spiritual upgrade” is to have the same mind as Jesus, who humbled Himself and became a servant. A renewed mind seeks first the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s righteousness – Matt 6:33

Such a mind understands the value of God’s wisdom and treasures it.

Would you like to spend time with someone possessing a mind like this? Would you go to such a person for advice? I would. So, I say “Lord, I give my old me to you so that you can chisel out the old and mold me into the new man you want me to be.”