One of my dreams is that one day I will get to visit Israel and experience some of the places where Jesus walked, taught, died and raised from the dead.

The smell of the Sea of Galilee is most likely the same as when Jesus lived. The wind on the lake will probably feel the same as when Jesus and his disciples crossed the lake on many occasions. The fruit of the trees will taste the same. Walking barefoot on the dirt roads and then stepping in the Jordan River will add to the experience, as well. For at least one of my meals I want to try some fresh fish from the Sea of Galilee. With so many of the disciples as fishermen, I am convinced Jesus ate fish with his friends.

Speaking of food, it would be an amazing experience to be at the place where Jesus fed the multitude with the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread that were in the lunch bag of that little boy. What an amazing miracle!

Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was good at finding things. He first found the Savior, then he helped Peter find the Messiah, and he was the one who found the little boy who shared his lunch.

What is amazing about this boy is that he was willing to give to Jesus all he had, at the risk of his own hunger. Children’s love for Jesus is fascinating and inspiring. This boy was not worried that his food may not be enough for everyone. However, he knew in his heart that Jesus was enough for everyone.

I too want to be like this boy by giving Christ all I have to meet the needs of others. Will you join me?