bruchkoOur church is about to go on a short term missions trip. I am very excited to be on this awesome team. During our meetings we have discovered several things that I am convinced will help us during this international short term mission trip.

Below are some of the ideas that might help you and your team:

  1. Understand that you are about to be immersed in a new culture. To better understand and prepare for this, I highly recommend that everyone on your team reads the book Bruchko” by Bruce Olson (You can find it on Amazon and eBay). It is a fantastic book with amazing insight.
  2. Be FLEXIBLE. If you and your team understands this concept and applies it, you will have an amazing time. reality is, something will not go according to your plans. However, if everyone is flexible you will be fine.
  3. Go with the desire to SERVE those on your team! We often times go on mission trips thinking about serving those in other countries and totally forget to serve those on our team. The way you relate to those on your team will speak volumes to the people who are watching you.
  4. Do you best to learn a few words in the language of the people you go to serve. They will appreciate it and open up more to you and to the message of Jesus.
  5. Make copies of your passports and have the leader hold on to them in case someone loses their passport.

Hope you have an amazing experience during your short term mission trip!